From sun up to sun down, the snow just kept on falling for one day during our trip to Montreal this past December. Well, their really was no sun up, just alot of snow and a grey sky. A record accumulation of 40 cm of snow in one snowfall on December 27, 2012 falling just 2 days short of a white Christmas. The record was 39 cm in ’69! It was cold, but it was fun…Makes the weather we are having in NYC at the moment seem like a walk in a spring park.

We have tons of snow here in Vermont too!
Ellen Christian recently posted..What’s Cooking Wednesday – Recipe linky
Yes, and I was there that day. In fact, I was driving into Montreal through the snowstorm for our Christmas family gathering. What a mess!
What a mess indeed. I can’t belieev you had to drive in that!
Well, it also depended where you were. My uncle on the South Shore could not even see his car under the snow. Coming from the west, it was not as bad – still, it was a pretty heavy snow storm.
Cute pics! We got tons of snow here in Buffalo as well!
Jaime Nicole recently posted..Kat N’ Drew Cards {Valentine’s Day Gift Guide Review & Giveaway}
Oh My Goodness… the first pic looks cool with the snow blowing by!!
Melissa Rheinlander recently posted..My Little Sickling #WW Linky {1/23}
It was actually quite “warm” at that point. And we thought the snow was going to stop, but t just kept falling and falling!
That looks like so much fun (except the shoveling part)! I wish it were snowing here in Washington State 🙁
Sofia recently posted..Datevitation: Love Coupon Book and Date Ideas
I got out of shoveling…”I have to watch Little Miss” 😀
That was a lot of words for a Wordless post :p
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun in the snow. Especially little miss and Mr. Bam.
I’m glad we don’t have that much here. It is nice for short periods but I don’t really want it to stick around.
Elle recently posted..What’s So Hard About Blogging Anyway?
I think it should have been “wordful” – – that’s not alot of words for me 😀
Those are really great pics! I especially like the first one 🙂
Tonya recently posted..My Cupcake! #WW
I love Montreal!! What a wonderful story. Love all the pics!
I’m a weirdo who loves the snow. Great pics!
Does your dog like or hate going out in the snow? mine things its the funnest thing ever and runs and jump ects -_-
Krystle(Baking Beauty) recently posted..New Aveeno Products
Dixie Dog is my sister’s and she seems to like the snow…kinda. Let’s just say she didn’t get walked as much as she usually does. Poor wee fur balls
The snow looks so fun to play in! Stay warm and don’t have too much fun shoveling! 😉
Maria recently posted..It’s a Party! Winn-Dixie Mardi Gras King Cake Review #WDNola
Thankfully I’m back in NYC where it is only -4 as opposed to -41! No snow here, just cold. Daydreaming about NOLA helps… 🙂
I live in Montreal and yep that was quite a snowfall..We got so lucky last winter that this snowfall was a huge Glad you and your family enjoyed it though!!
I think we only enjoyed it cause we got to leave. Whenever I am back in Mtl, I don’t know how I grew up there. I love the city, but I’m a wuss for the cold…And I melt in the summer humidity 😉
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