Besides the selection at Duane Reade, one of the other things I like best is that so many of their locations are open 24 hours. I’m not a huge shopper, but I have to admit I like browsing aisles, seeing new products and finding out what cool new things are about. The best time to get this “time out” is either before the craziness of getting the kids up in the morning or after they go to bed in the evening. That’s where the genius of having a 24 hour Duane Reade comes in.
I’ve found that Duane Reade’s LOOK Boutiques have a huge selection and many of the season’s newest trends, so even if I’m not buying it is still fun to look.
Because it’s easy to build a shopping list online, I loaded up the Duane Reader on my laptop. It also helps jog my memory for some of the everyday items I may need to buy like tissue paper. I need lots of that at the moment as my allergies seem to be going into overdrive. It seems so cruel to be punished with allergies for enjoying the outdoors, but so it is. My allergies seem to be worst after a run. Must be all the pollen in Prospect Park. The special offer of 2 Boutique Boxes for $3 was right up my alley for cost as well as being a green product. Did you know the Facial Tissue is 75% Tree Free – made from readily renewable sugar cane by-products. Neat, eh?
I created a shopping list, which is ever so useful. The only thing I wish is that when I go to print it, it would keep the images. I’m a visual person, so though having a list of the items I want to buy is helpful, it would be even more helpful if the list had images.

After dinner I got little Miss 6 months down to sleep and left Dad to storytime with Mr 4.5 years old. It may seem strange, but it is relaxing to walk the aisles of Duane Reade, especially without any little people in tow, and I’m looking forward to it. It is like a date with myself, in a clean and well lit shop. Did I mention clean? Look at those floors…With 2 kids, my floors are never that clean anymore for longer than half a day. I have quite a few nearby Duane Reade’s to choose from, but my favorite is at an eclectic intersection in Brooklyn.
Seeing as this is my date with myself, the less than 10 minute bus ride at that time of night is worth it to shop at this particular Duane Reade.

The Duane Reader was right there as I entered and as the automatic doors swing open, the first thing that catches my eye is the range of Gosh Cosmetics.
I don’t have cosmetics on my list, but I wander over anyways. That is where I discover the brand Physicians Formula. Apparently their PH range adjusts to your skin and the light on application. Lovely packaging, and next time I need some lip gloss I may just have to give it a whirl.
I cruise through all the aisles because it’s always fun to look, but I’m really there for the tissues, toddler toothpaste and a few snacks. As a bonus the pocket tissues are on sale, so I grab a package of those as well along with the Duane Reade brand baby wipes, a magazine and some more gluten free animal cookies. My little guy enjoyed them last time I brought some home.
Their was a young couple in line behind me, a guy and a girl and the girl was obviously not from New York. She was holding several items in her hands and asking her companion, “What is this place? I mean, what is it?”
It was such a funny exchange to eavesdrop on as she tried to pin it down as a drugstore, or a convenience store, or a cosmetics shop. The guy was obviously a native New Yorker and said, “It’s an institution, it’s been around forever.”
“I just don’t understand, look!” She had everything from shampoo, to drinks, to food, to a case of beer in her hands. She obviously hadn’t thought to get a cart, probably didn’t think she would have been buying so much. She’ll know for next time 🙂
Interesting characters, check. Got everything I needed on my list, check. Learnt something new in the world of beauty and cosmetics, check.
Relaxing date night with myself at Duane Reade equals success!
Between little people under foot and everything else that goes on from day to day, it will probably take me the better part of a month to get through the magazine I bought. It was more the time spent reading all the headlines while at Duane Reade and choosing the mag I wanted that was just the kind of time out I was looking for. Check out more pictures from my shopping trip on my Google + page.
Check out the Duane Reader Online – savings and specials are good til June 2. Make sure to catch up with Duane Reade on Facebook or Tweet ’em if you prefer.
Disclosure: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for CollectiveBias #CBias #DReade #DReadeVIP As always all opinions are 100% my own.
I find crowded shopping centres really stressful, so I like the idea of being able to make your list before you go – but then, this is why I buy most stuff online! 😉
Rachel Cotterill recently posted..Review: Shaman Healer Heretic
Never heard of that publication before. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Kristin Wheeler (MamaLuvsBooks) recently posted..Getting Fine Lines and Wrinkles? I Found Something to Help!
I’ve never heard of Duane Reade before and will have to check it out. Looks pretty cool!
angela recently posted..From Drab to Fab with Allegra #ClearBeauty
I wish I had a store like that around here… the only 24 hour place is Walmart… and that can be pretty strange late at night, so I avoid it…
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