Mrs Wishy Washy's Raw Chocolate Pudding

Mrs Wishy-Washy’s Chocomole Pudding Recipe

Mrs Wishy Washy's Raw Chocolate Pudding

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My 5 year old was given the book Mrs Wishy Washy by Joy Cowley when he was 3 years old. He loved it from the first moment we read it to him and it has continued to be a favorite over the last 2 years. When he started kindergarten, he was so excited when within the first week his kindergarten teacher pulled out a large board book version to read to the class. Imagine his surprise at seeing his favorite New Zealand written book, here in the United States.

His kindergarten teacher invited us in for a literacy party just before Christmas. We got a chance to look at our child’s writing, and to see how they’d progressed in the first 3 months. As a special treat for the kids, they got to create Mrs Wishy-Washy’s mud and dunk the animals around in it. The mud of course was chocolate pudding, and the animals were animal crackers. Now why hadn’t I thought of that? Such a neat way to bring a children’s book to life.

I saw 5 avocados at the store for $3 the other day and it made me think of how I could make this chocolate pudding treat with a twist. Instead of making a traditional sugary pudding, I decided to make a chocomole – a raw chocolate pudding made mainly with avocado and natural sweeteners. I used to make raw chocolate and puddings quite regularly, but hadn’t made this in awhile. I had all the ingredients at home except for the animal crackers.

Chocomole Avocado Chocolate Pudding Recipe Ingredients

4 small servings

raw chocolate pudding chocomole ingredients

  • 3 Tbsp of raw cacao nibs
  • 1 medium avocado
  • 1 medium banana
  • 6 dates
  • 2 tsp of Agave (not in picture)
  • 1 cup of organic rice milk
  • Animal crackers


This best thing about this recipe is that the kids really enjoy the taste. The outcome is rich and creamy and as such a small portion should be more than enough (remember dates help you stay regular among other things).  The only ingredient I have added that is not raw is organic rice milk. If you have a heavy duty blender, you won’t need the milk…Though I’d love one, I don’t have a heavy duty blender so I add the milk to smooth out the consistency to what my kids will like, but the milk is not a necessity.

1. Soak the dates in water for 15-20 minutes. Again this is a tip for those of us with lower end blenders. It helps make it easier to blend up the dates

2. Chop up the dates, bananas, and avocados and mix them in the blender on medium to low. Make sure your avocado is ripe, but not too ripe. If it has any of the dark brown bits, that bitterness will come through in the taste.

3. Next mix in the cacao nibs one tablespoon at the time and mix on high to really grind them down.

4. Add in the agave and the milk and blend one more time on low

And voila! You now have your mud ready for the kiddos to dip their animals in.

I had a heck of a time finding the old school animal crackers. But to be honest it didn’t matter that the animals were not at all the animals in Mrs Wishy-Washy’s story. It’s still a fun activity for the kids to help out with from beginning to end.

Remember that 100% cacao has so many health benefits. I love this Superfood and use it in smoothies and other treats. I have alot to say about the benefits of cacao.

Have you read any of Joy Cowley’s books?

3 thoughts on “Mrs Wishy-Washy’s Chocomole Pudding Recipe”

  1. Pingback: #Shaklee180 is Fueling My Passion to Run | mama goes BAM

  2. How did that pudding come out? I recently made a chocolate dessert using black sapote (a fruit I can find locally)to make it healthier- but I never thought about avocados!

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