I used to have recurring migraines, and they would come on unexpectedly. I don’t get them so much, or with as much intensity, but when I do get a headache I prefer to knock it on the head rather than let it knock me out. I was interested to hear about the right now pain relief offered by Urgent Rx. What sets Urgent Rx apart from other fast acting pain relief is the portability of the powdered packs; furthermore, you just rip the packet, pour it in your mouth and wait for it to dissolve in record time. Even if you have pain killer pills on you, how many times have you been caught out trying to swallow horse pills without water? Urgent Rx solves this problem.
With spring in the air, I will start running with the kids more often. Mr P likes to scooter alongside me and Little Miss is often pushed in her jogging stroller. I love the company, but what this means is we can’t just finish a run and go home. A run is usually followed by a play in the park or playground. As a mom, I always have enough snack, water and change of clothes for the kids. But somehow, I can catch myself without enough water to rehydrate – oops! This can result in a thudding headache. So off I went to my local Duane Reade in Brooklyn to get my hands on the Urgent Rx Headache Relief to-go.
Little Miss came along with me, and that in itself was a headache inducing exercise. She touches everything and is the first to spot her favorite things. We had to stop and look at lawn toys, the selection of treats as well as beach balls before tracking the Urgent Rx Pain Relief stand down. It was all the way at the back of the shop, near the drop off/pick up counter by the pharmacy counter. It’s quite a small, so you could miss it if you’re not looking out for it.

I was surprised to see that besides Headache Relief, Urgent Rx also carries Heart Burn Relief, Allergy Attack Relief, Upset Stomach Relief, Ache and Pain Relief as well as Critical Care Aspirin. I decided to pick up a Allergy attack as well. Sometimes when I am at the aforementioned park after a hard run, my lungs and nostrils seem to open right up, breathe in all the blossoms and result in a sneezing fit. It’ll be interesting to see, if this product could help.
The small packaging means that I can slip it in just about anywhere on-the-go. I chose to slip it into my wallet as it goes everywhere with me, and it fits easily in.
Child proof packaging
The suggested way to store the packet, is to fold the top over. When a headache strikes, just fold it down the right hand side along the dotted line and voila! It’s open. You can also use scissors if you have some at hand, but really it’s not necessary.
On my latest run through Prospect Park, I had little Miss in the stroller. It was a windy day and sometimes just the loud din of the kids in the park can set off a headache. So I folded down the top of a Headache Relief to- go Urgent Rx and slipped it into my running skirt. Great to know that I have it with me just in case I need it.
Be sure to check out all that Urgent Rx has to offer by visiting them on Facebook or Twitter. Follow the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #MyUrgentRx to find out how others are using the Urgent Rx Pain Relief Center. Head over to my Google+ album to check out the rest of my headache inducing shopping trip with a whirlwind 17 month old.
Could you benefit from easy-to dissolve headache relief?
disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and UrgentRX #MyUrgentRX #cbias #SocialFabric
Oh how I wish these were available locally! It would save so much time when I do have a headache. And I love how small they are. Perfect for a wallet or diaper bag.
Danielle recently posted..Playdate Entertainment with Green Kid Crafts
I am so awful at swallowing pills with little or no water, I love the concept of these packs. Do they taste bad?
Emily recently posted..Exerderm Skin Care Products for Sensitive Skin (US) 5/6/13
They all have pretty tasty flavors. The headache relief ones are lemon-lime, so not ad at all 🙂
How convenient! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer Chidester recently posted..simple, modern yarn easter eggs
YES, I could definitely benefit. I’ve been having the worst headaches lately.
Crissy recently posted..Brand New #TheLoneRanger Trailer!
Typically, I don’t get headaches. But this pollen count in Atlanta is given me a tough time. Thanks for sharing your shopping experience.
Joyce@MommyTalkShow recently posted..[VIDEO] Mohawk Flooring SmartStrand Carpet Stain Test #Cbias #LicenseToSpill
I have those reoccurring migraines too! They are awful!
Kristy recently posted..Best of Make Bake Create Blog Party
I get alot of migrains and i would love to try this to see if it works…I’m going to see if i can fimd it in my area..thank you for sharing,
I have seen similar ones at my local Walgreens and was enticed to purchase them simply on the way they are marketed. They were so cute. I like the compact size of these ones. The ones I saw were bulkier.