I can’t think of how many years I spent stalking the BlogHer stream on Twitter from New Zealand wishing I could be here. Here in New York meeting some of my favorite bloggers, learning from the pros and just soaking up the atmosphere. Well, I’m here now and Wednesday evening my BlogHer chaos dream starts! I’ve refused to be stressed or panic about the lead up to BlogHer and all its private parties and all the craziness that surrounds what to wear.
In the end, I’m genuinely happy with the private parties I will be attending as well as the Official BlogHer ones. I can even say I turned some down, because they didn’t fit with what I am hoping to get out of this conference. For a Canadian gal who started out blogging in New Zealand back in 2007, trashed that blog to start a fresh one here in New York in 2011, I think I’ve done pretty well. I have to say I do believe in all that Law of Attraction mumbo jumbo, so to me BlogHer is what it is and I am just gonna take it all in, enjoy the moment and be open to others.
@joulesdellinger I’m a newbie too! Just Just drink it all in and enjoy the ride 🙂 It is what it is— Ghada Vanderpool (@OMGhada) July 31, 2012
So the aim is to not get all froathy at the mouth by the unsurmountable amount of swag everyone promises I will get at the Conference. In the end, is it about swag or relationships? Business opportunities? Meeting fellow bloggers that I’ve met online or have followed for years? Well, its about a healthy dose of all of these things.
So, I hope if you see me you’ll say hi! I love meeting people and will always make the time to stop and chat or share a laugh – unless of course President Barack Obama is speaking, Issa Rae takes the floor to teach me how to become a YouTube sensation or Soledad O’Brien, Christy Turlington Burns, and Malaak Compton-Rock are giving their keynote.Their are loads of sessions (and parties!) that I am looking forward to, but those 3 for me take the cake.
Here’s some tips for finding me…
My hair never looks the same from day to day. But I swear, I’ll be rocking the natural curl version as seen in exhibit A…I think 🙂

But if the humidity should return to New York at any point during BlogHer, I risk looking like Exhibit D below. It’s not pretty, I know.

That’s me. Looking forward to welcoming you all to my new home – New Yawk, baby! Oh, and I’ll be the tall one trying to get as much wear out of my yellow heels as I can. I love them and do not get to wear them nearly as much as I’d like to 🙁
Now, if you’d like some *real* tips for BlogHer check out Mom101 here and Rage Against the Minivan here, you can also link up your ‘About Me’ for BlogHer post while you are there.