I announced last week that I am back in the running game! We have had a warm winter (until now) and this minus the colds and tummy bugs, means I have really been enjoying running regularly again 3-4 times per week. But suddenly over the past couple of days, the thermometers in NYC have plummeted, the weatherman threatens snow every night, though in reality we’ve only seen “flurries” for 2 minutes at a time that look like someone is shaking their teddy bear stuffing out.
Growing up in Canada, I think I kinda have a greater tolerance to cold. I don’t like it, but I can hack it. This last couple of days have been treacherous for my half marathon running plan. I’ve put off running and switched my program around 3 days now for fear of freezing my big butt off in the cold. I actually like running in the cold I have a history of overheating, but this weather…This weather is inhumane and hard to dress correctly for. Do I layer? How many layers? Merino and cotton or maybe the other way around? And don’t get me started on my poor poor fingers, no running glove can match these icy temps *cue tiny violins*
So I sit here procrastinating from going to bed. I NEED to get this done, my body has had a rest day, a fun workout day on the Wii (Just Dance, baby!) and even a stint of planks and other ab work. Now its time to get back to business. So in the AM, I am going to put my trusty YMCA membership into action and hit the subway at 5:45 AM…Yep, that’s when I normally start pounding pavement. Instead, I’ll be riding the F train 2 stops before I arrive at the Y to face my nemesis the Dreadmill. Wish me luck!
Its kinda timely that I decided to write this post about how I’m keeping my running resolution in check…
1. Set a goal and stick to it: Whatever your goal is stick to it! I am aiming for the half marathon in April. If you don’t have the base miles, please oh please start with something smaller like a 5K. Even the ability to get out and run a set amount of times per week is a goal. Head out around the block or a goal to run a set amount of time without walking.
2. Create a plan to reach said goal: My plan consist of having researched and found a half marathon plan that works for me. In the past I trained with Hal Higdon plans but this time I decided a plan developed by Moms was more my speed (pun intended :)). They’ve trained for and run countless half marathons and marathons so they understand the need for flexibility when training.
3. Write down your goal: In this digital age I still grab a paper calendar and write down my runs for the month. Not only does this calendar stare me smack in the face as I am on my way to snack out, but it also keeps me accountable to Mr BAM who will sometimes ask me if I did the amount of miles I had written down. This number 3 can also be called Make an appointment with yourself. Do it!
3. Get some support: What are you going to do to get to your goal? Do you need a running buddy to motivate you? I prefer running alone, but some running in a group is key. Most days it is the only time I have completely to myself between sun up and sun down. But I do also have the support of my husband who encourages me to sleep in on the weekends and tackle my long runs a little later, gladly offering to watch the kids.
4. Sign up to 1 race, bling optional but can be an added incentive at races that provide pink feather boas, crowns, and the traditional medal (some with built-in jewelry!) Mkay!
5. Buy new clothes, accessories or something to help you in your craft: I think that’s pretty self-explanatory. What I’ll say is that even though I sweat like nobody’s business at the drop of a hat, I like to do it in style. Recent finds have been sale priced skirts from runningskirts.com and a new pinkalicious fuel belt! This is the first time I’ve run in an area where I can’t easily work water stations into my run, so this was a necessity.

6. Immerse yourself in the run: sign up to newsletters, buy magazines, read blogs, and connect with other people that love what you – it’ll make you love it even more.
7. Find a Body Double: and when I say “double” I mean someone that you can reasonably aspire to be. If you are 5’11” like me, don’t think you can look like teeny tiny Sara Jessica Parker, it’s not ever going to be in your DNA. Be realistic and true to yourself. The point of having a future body double is to research how they maintain that body, how they exercise, what they eat, etc.. and see if you can replicate some of those actions to becoming the lean and fit you. I don’t obsess about being my future body double, its really just for fun 🙂

Update: I managed to drag my butt out of bed today at 5:20AM Eeeesh! The subway is a different place that early in the morning. I’ve always had trouble with the Dreadmill and today was no different. I couldn’t run at my normal (faster) pace, but at least I got it done! I feel 100% better for it.

I love that running skirt! So cute!
Jaime Nicole recently posted..LippyDudu Lip Balm {Valentine’s Day Gift Guide Review and Giveaway}
Wow! I’m so impressed with your resolutions. I’d love to get back into running again, but I’m too lazy. Simply put. I guess I’m not ready. Maybe when the weather warms up and my weatherman isn’t telling me that “today is going to feel like minus 4” I’ll be more inspired!
I’m going to keep following your posts, and look forward to reading more about your running adventure this year!
Emily recently posted..Menu Planning Tips
Smart, I love the enthusiasm. You go girl! And I love the girly gear.
Ghada- I love this and I am super impressed. I actually am running my first ever 5K. I will be looking to you for motivation. Well, I didn’t actually officially sign up bc I am scared but I def will!
mel recently posted..Some helpful time-saving tips from me to you- #mytimeheroes
Congrats on your running. I don’t run much due to severe bunions. Sexy right.. LOL! I hope to after my foot surgery. I just met a gal on a business trip that ran 30 miles on the treadmill for her 30th birthday. She is a marathon runner. I can run maybe a little over a mile but am in so much pain it isn’t very much fun. Keep up the good work.
Sheila recently posted..Healthy Hair Growth with Viviscal Vitamins
I wish I could get myself to run. Congrats!
Francine Morrell recently posted..Got a stain? Before you reach for the toxic stuff check your pantry!
You are my hero! I so needed to read this!
Oh, thanks, Jen 🙂