Ok, at the moment it seems my fitness regime is purely accidental. I know from past experience that I am my most successful with eating right and exercising when I actually have a plan. But, I am flying by the seat of my pants on this one and it doesn’t help that people are actually telling me I look great, and that I’m losing weight. I am losing weight. This is thanks to lots of walking – I love walking everywhere, you get to see more, explore more, see things others don’t see whizzing by on the bus or in their cars. Walking just fits into my life, so its easy – walk to bring Mr 4.5 to preschool, walk to get the fruit, walk, walk, walk…I suppose if people told me I was gaining weight I would get my A in to G alot quicker.
But, hey, throw me a bone. I’m trying to exercise self-compassion and realize that I am doing pretty good all things considering. I have 2 beautiful children that I love and that are very active, they push me everyday. I am freelancing, doing work I thoroughly enjoy and always pushing forward trying to do more. Big Monkey and I are really starting to feel our groove in this city though I have to admit I still wish I had more friends nearby – not just acquaintances, but friends. I know I am not the only mama to say she has a lot on her plate, that’s fine as long as I don’t get overwhelmed. But what I do need to do is be more mindful of what I want/need to do for my health. I’m slowly getting to that place where I can put goals into place and better prioritize. But hey, life is good!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a overeating, never exercising, sit on the coucher. But I still have my sweet cravings (not enough exercise) and I still want to be running more regularly as opposed to stints of running for days on end followed by stints of not running or burnout. I’m thinking of a master plan and I know that by year’s end I will fulfill my mission to get back to half-marathon shape post-baby.
So what am I doing right? Green smoothies for breakfast chock full of kale, cacao beans, spinach, flaxseed oil, blueberries and apple cider vinegar (not usually all at the same time); walking alot, eating balanced meals and drinking heaps of water.
What do you do when you don’t know how to fit fitness into your life?
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Good question – but I think you do what you are doing – walk every where. Play with your kids. You’re doing awesome!!
Pam Gordon recently posted..Mamavation Monday – Week 10 of my marathon training
thanks 🙂
Thankfully my job allows for a yoga class on site and I walk two miles at lunch… if I could just stop eating I would be all set 😉
@MryJhnsn recently posted..Oh, the Lies I Tell (well, top 5 today anyway)
Oh yes, eating that thing we have to do but don’t always do right LOL Lucky you about your at work yoga
Looks like to me whatever you are doing is working! You look fine!
thanks, I suppose looks can be deceiving 🙂 I know I can be stronger and I know I should cut out or at least eat less of certain foods.
We got a pool this summer and it has helped me to get some exercise. I’m in it with the kids anyway, so doing a few laps isn’t hard and I can really tell a difference!
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