The great thing about shopping at Duane Reade is that you can often check many items that you need to buy off your list in the one location. From snacks and drinks, to baby care items and even pantyhose, its often an easy solution for finding what you need at the last minute.
Now that you can download the new Duane Reade iPhone app from the iTunes store, Duane Reade has made life even more convenient before you even walk through the door.
Thanks to Duane Reade for bringing this app to my attention so that I could review it for you, New Yorkers take note, the Duane Reade App should be on your phone. If you are traveling to New York, I’d recommend this free app be on your iPhone as well, it’s convenient to know where a Duane Reade is located at any given time as you can pick up over the counter and prescription medecine, as well as food, personal hygiene items and even gifty type items like greeting cards.
My top uses for the Duane Reade App
Photo printing: If you are like me, you have a ton of photos of your kids, what you do in a day, and even what you eat all on your phone. It’s incredible how much mundane and truly awesome photos I have taken over time. I’m getting better at deleting the mundane ones – after I have bored people on instagram:) but the memorable, sweet ones of the kids enjoying life or a moment shared between Little Miss and Mr P sit on my phone untouched. With the Duane Reade App, it is so simple to choose the photos I want to print, send them off to my closest Duane Reade and then find out how much it will cost and when the photos will be ready for pickup. Easy right?
This has inspired me to put 2 new picture frames in our bedroom and swap out the images every month for new ones. It’s so simple and it doesn’t cost much to bring the photo memories from my phone to life!

Store Locator: If you are out and about in New York in an area that you are not familiar with, you simply pull up the store locator to find the Duane Reade nearest to you, this has appeal for the native New York as well as the traveler. This is definitely one of my fave features, as you get to see just how close you are and then pull up a map to guide your way. But even if you are near a Duane Reade you are familiar with, you can take it a step further to see the store’s opening hours. This came in handy the other day when I was running errands. I could see that my Duane Reade only opened at 9AM that day, so I still had 5 minutes to spare – just enough time to get a coffee.

Balance Rewards in your pocket: I use to have a Balance Rewards key fob attached to my wallet that I’d swipe in store, but since I changed wallet, the key fob is no longer attached and sometimes gets left behind at home, which is a major bummer. Since I get everyday items for our family like diapers and beauty products at least 1-2 times per week, it pays to have my Balance Rewards on me to collect the points that I can redeem later in the form of money savings on purchases.
As I arrived in store without my Balance Rewards card or key fob, I checked the app to see if maybe what I suspected would be true…and it was. I was able to log into my Balance Rewards card with my email and password and voila, up popped my virtual card ready to be scanned at checkout! To use this feature you will first have to have setup your account online – it takes no time at all at

Scan and check prices: Scanning and checking prices before you buy is nothing new, but being able to do it yourself with your own phone is pretty cool. I was buying a few last minute items for my date night, so I scanned the tights to check that they were in fact buy one, second one half price. I did notice that not all the items I scanned showed up in the database, but overall this is an easy enough feature to use. The scanner is built right into the app, so no need to download anything extra.
Be sure to check out my Google + photo album to see how else I use the Duane Reade app. You can always follow the conversation for #DRApp on Twitter and catch up with Duane Reade on Facebook and Twitter to find out about in-store specials as well as New York relevant happenings.
disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Duane Reade. #DRApp #cbias #SocialFabric
Duane Reade oh how I miss you! There are none in south Florida…I miss the city now. That looks like a great app. I really like the ability to scan your prescription