UPDATE: Winners have been announced here.
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I am so happy to be able to tell you about this ah-MAZING Pinterest Contest that is being sponsored by Chuck E. Cheese’s! If you haven’t been to Chuck E. Cheese’s yet, why not? Chuck E. Cheese’s is a great all-year round place to let the kids (and the kids at heart!) burn off some steam. If you are having the same unconscionably cold temps that we are having in NYC, then Chuck E. Cheese’s is a warm fun place to escape with arcade games and even to have a bite to eat.
How Pin-tastic!
Do you have a Pinterest account? If not, again I say why not? First things first you will need to sign up for a Pinterest account to enter this fantastic contest. But hold on, before you go you probably want to know what you can win.
Five people will win a month’s worth of Family trips to Chuck E. Cheese’s!
It’s really easy to be in to win, so read on and then get to pinning! Contest opens January 31 at 10AM EST and closes on February 12th at 11:59 PM EST.
Pin this! Hover over the image in the upper right hand corner!
- Follow @ChuckECheese and @Ghada on Pinterest.
- Create a board and title it “Dinner with Chuck E.“
- Pin the Official Announcement graphic above to your board and tag it #FlatChuckE (by writing #FlatChuckE in the comments box, you are tagging it).
- Pin the downloadable Flat Chuck E. from the Chuck E. Cheese’s website and tag it with #FlatChuckE
- Ok, this is where it gets really fun! Print out your Flat Chuck E., dress him up with colored crayons (tinsel, and feathers optional) and then take him for a spin on the town. We’re interested in seeing where you take your Flat Chuck E. Will it be to a playground, a restaurant, a friend’s house? Wherever you go with Flat Chuck E., take a picture then upload it to your board using the “Add” button from within your board. Choose “Upload a Pin” then browse to your picture of Flat Chuck E. out on the town and upload it. You have to tag this one #FlatChuckE as well.
You can upload more than one picture, but you only need one uploaded picture to be in to win. Don’t forget to tag it with #FlatChuckE
- You’re done! BUT to be officially entered you MUST link to your board in the comments from this Official Announcement Pin.
Got it? Make sure you’ve pinned the 3 images mentioned in steps 3, 4 and 5 and comment on Pinterest with a link to your pin, it’s that easy. Need inspiration for your board, then check out my example board. Don’t worry, even though I’d like to enter I can’t 🙂
Make sure to click on any of the lovely social media buttons below to share this Contest with family and friends. Maybe if they win, they’ll bring you with them! For more great deals from Chuck E. Cheese’s make sure to follow them on Facebook.
i dont understand how to tag it? i just put #FlatChuckE. in the comment section is that right? i dont even know how to follow someone. i see ur page when i click above does that automatically make me following you?
Hi Alisa,
When you go to the links http://www.pinterest.com/chuckecheese and http://www.pinterest.com/ghada you will see a “follow all” button at the top of the page. Click that to follow us. And yes, just add #FlatChuckE in the comments. Thanks and good luck!
why is it that everything has to be done on-line….we can’t afford to go to Chucky Cheese’s more than once a year and we can’t afford to have a computer with internet! We have to go to the library or a friends house to access it….when will there be a contest where “middle-income/low-income regular joe” can have the chance to win, let alone, enter.
Seriously.. you can’t afford to go to Chuck E Cheese more than once a year? Last time I brought my family of 4 to Chuck E Cheese it cost less than $40. I’m sorry but I think your comment and gripe about this contest is a little pathetic. If you can’t afford to spend $40 occasionally on your family, perhaps you really shouldn’t have kids in the first place. The middle-income average Joe as you called it.. can afford Chuck E Cheese. Apparently you are living some kind of homeless person lifestyle.
Wow what is your beef? I’m not the original poster, but seriously, you’ve got issues. When I had kids my financial situation was a lot better than it is today with the recession and economic turmoil. Anyway, who are you to judge whether someone should have kids or not? Who are you to judge someone’s worthiness based on their extra cash?
How dare you down play someone’s financial situation? Just because you are fortunate enough, that doesn’t mean everyone else is. If you claim to be as financially well off as you make it seem, then why were you entering this contest?
Who are you to judge anyone???
$40 that is funny. My family of 4 when there and dropped almost a $150 on tockets and pizza. I also had coupons to go.. Why dont you think before you say something like that. Open mouth and their goes your foot right in it. Maybe you dont know what is going on under their roof. Okay. Like god for bid something is wrong with one of her children. Or lost one of their jobs. Dont be so quick to judge someone you dont know..
You have obviously never been there! Being a “middle income family” is just like being poor; it is hard! I am a middle income single mom and I haven’t been to Chuck E Cheese in years! We are lucky to have a car and insurance and a roof over our heads, cuz after the necessities, I have only gas money left! We go to a food bank and get our Internet at a discount from Comcast!
confused- I am going to cut you a break. I can’t assume I know your situation or what kind of day you are having but I certainly hope it’s just a bad day. I personally feel that it is far worst to be a mean spririted, cold hearted mother than a poor one. I hope you consider that when you look at your children. Maybe you shouldn’t have had any kids in the first place. Kelly-I have been there and I hope your situation changes soon.
Is the winner chosen at random? Or based on creativity?
Hi Jessica, the winner will be chosen b a panel based on creativity (75%); and Pinterest user likes and comments (25%). Good luck!
Hey Kelly, we don’t have computer, tv, but we have smart phone. I’m going to draw #FlatChuckE and take a pic with our phone and upload. The librarians are pretty cool with us coz they see us all the time and it costs us $0.10 to print a page. Anyway, when we go to chuck e cheese there are coupons for free tokens. Like 4 per child and there are these tunnel tubes that are fun for the kids to go through. My son really loves chuck e cheese and saves his allowance to go. I totally understand how you feel, but chuck e is fun even without tokens:)
Is this contest open to Canadian residents?
Hi Joanne, Please read the Official Rules for further details. But just to let you know, open only to US. Thanks
This is great!
Thank you.
– Steven Burda
So excited waiting for my kids to get home. I printed off 7 of the ChuckE’s so that all of my family can have one for on the go fun. I can’t wait to see what my kids come up with.
Fantastic! I can’t wait to see either 🙂
My grandkids are going to love this, Thanks!
My grandkids are going to love this!
SO if it not available to us here in Canada then why send us this information? I mean I signed up for this in Canada and I gave my Canadian address. You need to take a little more time and send these contests to the people in the right country.
(Shawn steps off the soap box)
Thank you,
My kids loves Chuck E Cheese’s
Entering contest
i would love to win this for my grandkids they love going there . i would like to gone the contest.
Its the best
I would love to win this for my disabled son
he would just love it
My daugther love chuckECheeses!!!
So what do I do if Pinterest continues to report a “502” error when trying to pin the above image?
Let’s do this!
THANK YOU for this contest. Good luck to everyone and have fun 🙂
Please make sure that you add your link to the Official Announcement pin and good luck! http://pinterest.com/pin/281826889153725424/
Hi Julie, Please make sure that you add your link to the Official Announcement pin and good luck! http://pinterest.com/pin/281826889153725424/
I am new to pintrest and not even sure if I entered correctly, my tablet isnt letting me pin chuck E so ill try over at my in-laws, please check if you can if I entered correctly…. im so confused
Thank you for this oppertunity, my kids love it there!!!
This is the most fun pinterest contest I’ve participated in! Thank you so much!
Wow, Jacqueline, great Pin boar! PLease make sure that you add your link to the Official Announcement pin and good luck! http://pinterest.com/pin/281826889153725424/
Thank you for letting me know. =)
thanks. my daughter love her sum chuckie e cheese
Hi Aundrea, Please make sure that you add your link to the Official Announcement pin and good luck! http://pinterest.com/pin/281826889153725424/
Krissy Higgins recently posted..BAKED Sweet n Sour Chicken
Hi Krissy, Please read #6 and make sure that you leave your link on the Official Announcement Pin to be entered to win. Thanks!
Hi Ghada!! I am unable to post my info on Pinterest Official Announcement Pin..it says I have to confirm my link in an email that was sent to me..I never got an email, I really would like to take my two young children and don’t want to miss out on this opportunity,, by posting it here I hope you have the right info and I still have a chance at winning..
Hi Arya, I can see your link on the Official Anouncement Pin 🙂
please advise if we are officially entered. thank you
Kristine Bishop
http://pinterest.com/faster…. #FlatChuckE
My son loves chuck E cheese. I know it’s a little late, hope we a still entered.
Thanks for doing this contest.
Can you please let me know if I am officially in the contest?
Hi. I have never done Pinterest before, but I think I have done things right to enter the contest. Could you let me know if I have not? Thanks! – Dana
Hello , well i think u are, im trying to figure out if im doing right myself 🙂
Way to complex!!!!!!
Pin what? do what?? I have no clue how to even start to understand what to do to even participate!!!!
Should a contest for chuck.E accessible to children???
I am soooooo confused! I go to Ghadas page, and i cnt leave a comment!?? Howcan I leave a comment its not giving me an option , and i really want to enter the contest! ….. Please someone help…
here is our pinterest board !!! HOPE TO WIN —- WE LOVE CHUCK E CHEESE !!!
I would like to enter the contest, but having a hard time just joining Pinterest. I tried to sign-up with Facebook, and it won’t move past the first screen where u select the username & password. I click “Create Account” and it doesn’t go anywhere. When I try to sign-up with just my email, the option to “Create Account” isn’t even highlighted. Please help, thanks!
I am a mother of 3 on my own and we love to go to Chuch E. Cheese when we have save up. The kids love it there because they can run and play and i dont have to wory about them.
We all had fun participating in this competition. I really hope we get to win something, as my kids are getting really excited and they love to go to Chuck E Cheese. It’s their favorite place.
You can check my pin board at
I just want to say thanks for the awesome giveaway. My son had so much fun taking Chuck E to the zoo and the aquarium.
It was nice to see so many smiling kids out and about having fun!
i pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/374713631466095127/
We’ve had fun with this contest, thank you…
You’re welcome! Thank you for taking part 🙂
Holding our breath to hear the winners announced…
This was a fun contest–thanks for hosting!
Totally agree with you Mandy!
Hi Mandy, Winners are announced here: https://mamagoesbam.com/chuck-e-cheeses-valentines-day-pinterest-contest-winners/ Thanks!
Hi! Winners are announced here: https://mamagoesbam.com/chuck-e-cheeses-valentines-day-pinterest-contest-winners/ Thanks!
This is torture waiting for the winners. Very excited. I have seen two winners so far, congratulation to those two
Winners are announced here: https://mamagoesbam.com/chuck-e-cheeses-valentines-day-pinterest-contest-winners/ Thanks!
when will you post the winners and where because I have checked every like 5 minutes but I am not sure were to look and when.
Hi, Winners are announced here: https://mamagoesbam.com/chuck-e-cheeses-valentines-day-pinterest-contest-winners/
Hi, Ghada. I am one of the 5 lucky winners of this contest. But I did not receive any kind of notification on my Pinterest board about being a winner. Will you please contact me? Thanks so much! We are excited!! ☺☺☺
Sorry…my name is Joanne French and I saw my boys’ picture and our name on the winner’s list. I also sent you an email (I think I did anyway) asking you just to confirm that we are in fact one of the winners and if so, what info you need from us in order to claim our prize. Thanks so much!
Hi Joanne, please send me an email with your mailing address and telephone number. You can send it by clicking the ‘contact me’ button above. Congrats!
Chuck E. Cheese’s Valentine’s Pinterest Contest #FlatChuckE | mama goes BAM