Wordless Wednesday: The Damage Post #Sandy is Untold

We were extremely lucky waiting out Sandy in our house in Brooklyn. We never lost power, had no damage to our house. We are all safe. We went for a walk yesterday though, and were totally amazed at how many trees had fallen. At how many trees had fallen on houses and cars. My thoughts are with those that have fared much worst than us.

Here are a few ways to help in Brooklyn.

Mr P discovered this tree outside in apartment just minutes from our house


4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: The Damage Post #Sandy is Untold”

  1. Pingback: Wreck-it Ralph Weather the Weekend Activity Sheets | mama goes BAM

  2. I want to send my love, thought, prayers & hugs to all of those who had to face Sandy. Some people have lost everything. It’s heartbreaking. So thankful for those that have made it through safely. I pray for the victims to recover & the Lord will give them double for their trouble.
    Olivia Watson recently posted..vpsMy Profile

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