What Google Used to Look Like

I’ve mentioned before that my husband’s parents are over from New Zealand, catching up with the kids (they grow so fast!) and checking out the sites and sounds of New York.

Yesterday they went into Monkey #1’s preschool, met his teachers and had a look around. He was most upbeat as we had a look at the computer room – showing us the keyboards and monitors. His little eyes light up around computers. Its incredible that a 4.5 year old can open a browser window, click to what he wants and even print work sheets from our wireless printer at home.

Us adults were in amazement of the rows and rows of encyclopedias on the shelf. Obviously relics donated to the school probably by a parent or teacher, we laughed about how no one used them anymore. Grandad tried to explain to my little guy how they worked, and thankfully he just happened to open to a page about dinosaurs – that got his attention.

Imagine how ‘difficult’ research was back in the day.