do i need a carseat if i don’t have a car? and other things to bring to L&D

monkey #1 Preston ridiculously small in his capsule
monkey #1 Preston ridiculously small in his capsule heading home from hospital

Monkey #1 arrived early, and because he was healthy I always see this as a blessing. It meant that I did not go into full on nesting mode, stay-at-home boredom, uncomfortably huge pregnant stage, nor did I go overboard with unnecessary nursery items or have my hospital bag packed. Still unsure as to if I was actually in labor or not, we stopped at the servo (gas station) and got a spirulina drink that I later puked up just before labor started (imagine green slime pouring out of my mouth at an alarming rate). Thankfully the midwife had told me to throw pyjamas and a tooth brush in a back for a possible overnight stay for observation.

This time around I’d like to be more prepared, out of necessity more than anything. With Monkey #1 to take care of and no car to run around in, we don’t want to have to send Chris out to purchase monkey #2’s going home outfit as he did for Preston, I need him by my side.

Seeing as I am now 34 weeks (only 2 weeks out from when Preston came), now seems like the right time to start my packing.

The major item that we NEED to get over this weekend is a carseat. We’ve gone over this one a gazillion times and really there is no way around it – We need to buy a baby capsule that we will most likely only use a handful of times over its 6 month lifespan. We don’t own a car, and so far we are not big yellow cab users, preferring the subway and walking, but who knows that could all change once winter sets in. So off we go this weekend to pick out our travel system. A carseat/capsule has to be presented at the hospital for discharge, and I guess we will be taking a cab home, so….

What are some other items I should be thinking about packing for L&D? What’s on your list?