12 Days of Valentine’s: Move it so you don’t lose it

Welcome to day 3 of the 12 Days of Valentine’s – Love Yourself! Move it so you don’t lose it, get out and get some fresh air with your wee. I’ve found with my girl that not only is a walk a great way to wake me up and clear my head, but it also seems to wear her out to the point where she has a deeper nap. Anyone else find that your baby sleeps better after getting a bit of fresh air?

When she really wasn’t sleeping, I got creative in the middle of the night so that I’d stop being so frustrated about her not sleeping. While I was rocking and shushing her I started doing squats and lunges using her as a bit of added weight. Crazy thing is she loved the movement. Now as she is more alert and calmer for longer during the day I am starting to do more exercise with her. There is alot out there that you can do with your child, you can try something like Fit Moms for Life or even looking for “mother baby exercise” on You Tube.

Friday was the annual kick off of the campaign to remind women that heart disease is our #1 killer. Yes, heart disease is the number one killer of women. So take your exercise seriously. You’re just starting out your family, so make sure to be around for them.

7 thoughts on “12 Days of Valentine’s: Move it so you don’t lose it”

  1. It’s hard for me to be active, especially in the colder months – I really need to make more of an effort. Thanks for the motivation 🙂

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