12 Days of Valentine’s: Celebrate Small Wins

Welcome to day 2 of the 12 Days of Valentine’s – Love Yourself! Today’s challenge is about being present and enjoying every small win at a time when so much in life is upside down. Your sleep, social life and professional life have all been interrupted. But its fairly safe to assume that you, like me, would not trade your little monkeys for the world.

With this baby, I’ve found that well-meaning people are always asking “Does she sleep through the night yet?” Which then makes me constantly wonder “when will she sleep through the nigh?”. I’ve had to stop the wondering in my brain and just focus on the here and now, focus on being present. It will happen when it happens. Their are little things I can do, like cluster feed to space out her evening feeds, but truly there is no sense losing sleep (pun intended) on what my baby is ultimately leading. Instead I am celebrating small wins – when she sleep in the daytime for 3 hours, when she sleep from 8 til 1am in the evening.

I’m also trying to to remember to give myself a pat on the back when I manage to make a nice meal from scratch, have a shower before lunchtime or burp her effortlessly (no one tells you burping isn’t always simple!). So think about the little things you are achieving as a mother today, that yesterday you didn’t even think were possible. Think about the little things your baby does that they didn’t do yesterday. Chances are she is smiling and cooing because of you, because you are her world and you’ve taught her that.

How can you live in the present and celebrate small wins?

Read more about 12 Days of Valentine’s – Love Yourself and to start at day 1

– Image courtesy of © Jadwiga Kaniecka

2 thoughts on “12 Days of Valentine’s: Celebrate Small Wins”

  1. I’ve been trying to do that more with this baby. My first I couldn’t wait until every single milestone. This time I’m enjoying the wait. It’s hard though, when others are asking if the baby is doing this or that. I just say he’ll do it when he does it.

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